
A Child's Gift

Dear Adi, 

You gave me a gift tonight. A little plastic dolphin whom we named Pebbles. But tonight you and your brothers gave me so much more. You gave me perspective. Sure I may be searching for the man I will someday marry, my other half; your future Uncle. But tonight I realized this is all for the experience. Life is one huge experience, and someday I'll get to help my kids live out their dream experiences. They are it. They are the reason I am looking for a man who will be a good father to them. Yes, his first duty will be as my husband, but our shared duty will be to our children. They are the reason we'll fall in love and bring them into this world. They are why we're trying to find the best way to go about our own experiences. So we can someday teach them. Thank you Adi for reminding me who my real goals are. I can't wait for the day when my children meet you. I'm proud you will be their older cousin.

Love, Aunt Melinda 



Me, Maddie, and Millie by Tower Bridge

Last Thursday we took the chunnel from Paris to London. We stayed in one hotel for one night, then moved to the one we are in now. We have been to the British Museum, the Wallace collection, National Gallery, Stonehenge, Salisbury, and Stourhead.


We spent a whole day traveling from Munich to Paris, we were in the bus from 7:30 am to 8:45 pm, with four stops, one every 2 1/2 hours. We didn't go anywhere once we got here, just went to bed. The next morning we met early and went to just walk around Paris to get our bearings. We took the tram, and metro into the heart of Paris and walked to Notre Dame (and went inside), by San Michelle, and through the Louvre complex.
Notre Dame



We got to Munich late and didn't go out onto the town that night. The hotel in Munich only had free wifi in the lobby of the hotel. We were in Munich for three full days, a whole day longer than Vienna! The first day we went to the Alte Pinakotek and Neue Pinakotek. (The Old and New Painting Galleries) They were some of the longest museum visits we've seen so far, but we saw some amazing paintings. Here are a couple:


We spent most of today on the bus, driving to Vienna, Austria! We left the hotel around 9 am, boarded the bus about 10 am , and got to Vienna around 7 pm...so it was a long day. They said it would be like 4 hours...lies! It was like 8! It's supposed to be like 8 from Munich to Paris in a week....but if it goes anything like the last bus ride, it'll be 12! haha Once we got out of Venice and surrounding cities, we were in the middle of the Alps - and it was AMAZING!

I couldn't get enough pictures of it. The mountains are beautiful and a welcome sight to my Utahan heart! :D They were like Utah mountains, but just taller and a TON greener, and they went for miles and miles. There were also a lot of cute, picturesque little Austrian towns in the middle of the Alps. Ah, Austria is BEAUTIFUL!



After our adventures in Florence, we headed out on a bus to Venice. On the way we stopped in a little town called Padova. We went into the Scrovegni Chapel to see Giotto's frescoes there. (Tasha - Giotto's Entombment was here). These frescoes are nothing like the ones I say on the slides in class - they are WAY better! I don't even have the words to describe them. They were breath-taking and I wanted to just lie down on the floor and stair up at them all day. They were way better in person. AH! I love this! We also couldn't take any pictures, so you will just have to Google Giotto to see them.
    When we got here we had to take what is called a "people mover" which takes you over the water to the other island. (It's really called that - my ticket even says People Mover on it.) And then heft our luggage over a couple bridges and walk quite a ways to get to our hotels, since the buses couldn't drive on the normal streets.


On our first full day in Florence we went to the Uffizi Gallery and a couple other little museums. We went to the Duomo - the main church in Florence. We climbed to the top of the bell tower (414 steps to the top) and looked out over the red roofs of Florence. Then it started to rain, so we headed town. While we were on our way down, and I was on the level with the bells on it, the bells started chiming. It was really loud, and scared me half to death, but it was awesome to be there while they were ringing. It was like being in Notre Dame and hanging out with Quasimodo. My feet still hurt after everyday, and every  morning...but every painful step is worth it! Florence hasn't been my favorite so far, but it's great at the same time.

Civita & Orvieto

On our bus ride to Florence, we made a couple fun stops. We made our first stop in the middle of the beautiful Tuscan countryside in a little town called Civita (said: Cha-vee-tah).
It is a little town with the current population of 9. It used to be a booming town, but it quickly became overcrowded, people moved to another town nearby and the town started to decay. Civita is up on a mountain with a large (and steep) road/bridge leading up to it. It is a cute, picturesque little town.



Here's the troop. 30 girls. 1 guy. 

Yesterday we packed, weighed our bags, and left for the airport.  It was a 1.45 hour flight from Athens to Rome (which I already knew because my second layover on the way to Athens, was in Rome...been there done that!) The only bad thing about the flight was that my ear wouldn't pop for the next 2-3 hours, it was painful! That had never happened to me before, and I hope it doesn't happen again.


Navlion, Epidarus, Mycenae, and Corinth!

Today was spent almost entirely outside of Athens. We went to Navlion, a little sea-side town with a large fortress on a hill above the town. 900 stone steps lead to the top of it. And yes, I climbed them...would I say that I'm out of shape? No, but I do lie sometimes.



I got to Athens yesterday....I still can't believe I'm here! We all got here okay, and only a couple girls lost their luggage. We got moved into our hotel yesterday when we arrived, then went on a walk in the area surrounding out hotel to keep ourselves awake. 


Worst Dream(mare) EVER!

I am going on a Study Abroad in May and June, which I'm super excited about. Lately the nerves of the initial travel to Europe have started to get to me. This happens every time I travel. I know that I will love it and that I will be good as soon as I am on the plane. But, I'm a worrier. Sue me.

So, last night I had what I am going to call a 'dream(mare)'. I was on "BYU Campus", since you know that places in dreams are never just like the places in real life. For all of you who have been, or go to BYU, you will understand which building I'm talking about. It starts with me in what my dream mind says is "The Kennedy Center" or "Clark Building" and I am searching in the file cabinets. It turns out that I am stealing test answers for one of the tests in one of my classes, but I get caught. The girl who catches me says that I will not be able to finish the courses I am taking this semester and that I'll have to stay in that building (which is now like the "Detention Building" on campus now). Keep in mind that there are only two weeks left in this semester. I immediately start thinking about how I am going to talk my professors into being okay with this, and into letting me not have to take their classes over again. Then I realize that if I can't get out of that building, I won't be able to Study Abroad in May. So, I turn to the girl and ask if I will still be able to go on the trip....and she says no. I immediately yell out "WHAT?" and break into tears. I have been planning on going back to Europe ever since I left the first time. This has been my dream since before I can remember, and it had just been taken away from me! I was devastated!!! After getting over my initial shock, I started thinking over the logistics of how much money I would be able to get back, and how I could then use that for my tuition in Fall semester, etc. It was SO REAL! The only way I can think of explaining how terrible the feeling was, is to say that it felt like my world was ending - as cheesy as that phrase is. But that's what it felt like!

So, you know how things in dreams seem real while you are in the dream? Well this one continued to seem real even when I woke up. When I turned over and tried to catch a few more minutes of sleep before my alarm went off....the dream(mare) started again! NO! The second time I woke up, I decided I better just get up. I didn't want to fall back to sleep to the same "REAL" dream state where I wasn't going to Europe. So, Mr. professor, you can thank my bad dream for getting me to class on time today. I had to keep reassuring myself throughout the day that I was indeed going to Europe in May, and that it was only in my dream that I wasn't going. Multiple times I had to tell myself. Sheesh! Dreams are curious things!



I just got back from my first class of my prep course for study abroad and I'm so excited and blessed to be getting the chance to go back to Europe, my first love. When my instructors handed out the syllabus and I looked down the list of places we will be going this Spring, something bubbled up inside of me and I just wanted to scream, laugh, but mostly cry for joy because in May and June of THIS year I will be walking the streets of Rome, Florence, Venice, Vienna, Munich, Paris, Chartres, and London!
      I wish there were words to explain this feeling. The way I explained it to my Mom on the phone (immediately after class got out) was that this Study Abroad, this love for Europe; this is me. I am the only one in my family like this, and no one else is me. No one can even understand my love for Europe, except for maybe Tasha (who is also an Art Historian like myself). There is this wave of joy, excitement, and adventure that washes over me when I think about studying abroad. This has been a goal of mine ever since I started college, but now it's actually happening! I have bought my ticket and I'm going back to Europe! I have always been excited when anyone talks about Europe and I fantasize about traveling there again, but today was the most intense feeling that I have ever felt. Like Europe is where I belong, where I've always belonged and been drawn too. Most of my ancestors are English (British), with a few Swedish, and I believe that (for some very fortunate reason) the blood that that runs through my veins is more English than my siblings.
     Stay tuned for more information about my Study Abroad, Ah, life is good!



(This is a post I wrote last year at this same time of year....it's old, but still relevent. Please don't judge me for speaking my mind.)
        Lately my mind has turned to the friends I have lost in the past couple of years. This feeling is hard to describe so humor me for just a moment. I am mad at them for not trying to work things out with me so that we can be friends. I think it's dumb that they avoid me blatantly. I understand if they don't want to hang out with me and things like that, but the fact that when we walk by each other or I call or text them, and they ignore it, that's dumb. I have other mutual friends with these people and they are able to text or call them and get an answer! Is there something wrong with me? Did I do something wrong?
      With one of these people who will remain nameless I didn't do anything wrong. So, why is this happening? How could we be best friends for so many years and then they go and drop of the face of the earth? There are times when we are going to come in contact (I hope) that may be the first time we've seen each other in four. With the other friend I am referring to has a problem with me because of something I did. In this case I would understand the initial discomfort if we were to go to lunch together or something, but we never see each other, besides the occasional pass on campus. Is it too much to for them to say hi, to acknowledge that I am there. I would say hi to them, if I didn't know they were trying to avoid me. I get that.         
        Everyone in the world has at least one person they avoid for one reason or another. It's sad, but true!  I respect that to a point, but if I make an effort to be nice, why can't they be nice as well? I'm trying to be the bigger person here, but they are making it very difficult! I don't know if this is making any sense, and yes I am aware that my view of this problem is biased and only my perspective, without the other sides of the stories.
        But isn't a blog a place we can write these things. These are my thoughts right now, ones that I can't get out of my mind until I write them down. Since I am not at home today, my physical journal is not here, so I am writing it on my electronic version; my visual journal. I hate being shut off and I think that most of you would agree with me. If you don't understand what happened, and left hanging in terms of what changed that the other person deems unforgivable, you are always left wanting. Waiting for the answers. For an understanding of the problem you didn't know was there. Seeing one side of the problem solves nothing. You need both sides to make a whole; whether it's broken or okay all the pieces will fit together.

Swan Princess EPIPHANY!

    Who knew that the movie Swan Princess had so many parallels to so many Disney princess movies. Here are just a few of the parallels I found during my most recent viewing of this fabulous movie!

Beauty and the Beast

Like the Beast, Rothbart asks Odette to marry him every night after she transforms back into a human. This daily request for marriage comes from the Grimm's Fairy Tale version of Beauty and the Beast.


Like with Prince Charming, Prince Derek has to choose his bride at a ball where all the eligible princesses will be in attendance - oh and the one he chooses is again a woman disguised as the one he truly loves.

Sleeping Beauty

Derek and Odette, like Phillip and Aurora, are betrothed. Then there is the dancing scene during the song
Far Longer Than Forever where they are dancing in clouds of various shades of pink. Then, like Maleficent in Sleeping Beauty, Rothbart turns into the beast/dragon at the end and is slain by the prince.

Princess and the Frog

Like Navin, Jean Bob is a French prince who has been turned into a frog, but in this movie Odette is turned into a swan, instead of a frog

The Little Mermaid

Like Ursula, Rothbart has creates an impersonation of Odette to send to the ball, and casts a spell to trick Derek into marrying her instead of the real Odette

And for my two favorite songs from this movie click the links below: I couldn't find a decent clip of This is My Idea, but here is the track.
Far Longer than Forever
This is My Idea

Oh, Happy Day!

(This is another older post that I never posted. I think this was written after a really good date - I obviously had a really good time... haha)
       Can I really be this happy? I feel like my insides are about to jump out of my body - I don't think I can contain it! I feel like all the happiness I can muster, but yet contain, is about to burst out of me! I want to scream, laugh, AND cry! I want to jump in the air, yell, punch something, and hug everyone! Is it crazy that I can be so happy?! I feel like I am flying, and like I could run for miles! I can't believe the wonderful picture of the future my mind is fabricating! All I want to do it smile and burst into uncontrollable laughter! I try to stop myself, but I can't! All I can see is good in my future! I cannot fail if I plan to win!

Being Alone Is Not So Bad

       I haven't posted anything for a couple months now because I keep getting great ideas for posts, but I don't have the time to write a decent blog post about them. So, here are some older ones I found in my drafts - It's funny that I wrote this two months ago, but I still feel the same way and I needed to hear my own advice.
      The other day I was glancing over my facebook home wall and I saw this quote, "I think it's healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person" by Oscar Wilde.
For some time now I have wondered why I am still single. I look in the mirror and think, I am beautiful. I mean, there are many more people out there who may be prettier, but I am beautiful. I just need someone who can see that. Lately I have also come to terms with the fact that I don't need to try to impress - well, okay; I am trying to come to terms with that. Sometimes I find myself dressing up when it doesn't matter, but if it makes me feel good and comfortable, why not? I heard somewhere that the time you spend on yourself in the morning, deciding what to wear and doing your hair, are all about you. but the minute you walk out the door, it's all about everyone else. So I try not to look in the mirror or fuss over my outfit too much while I am out during the day.
       People say that becoming comfortable in your own skin is something all teenagers struggle with, but I believe it is something which some people continue to struggle with into adulthood. I know I still am. I also think that you struggle more with it while you are trying to find a spouse/ boyfriend, etc because you are aiming to impress, while afterward you have accepted your style for what it is and are happy because it's not all about you anymore. Getting married or dating someone is like walking out the door and shifting your focus to others. It's not all about you anymore, but about the other person, and that's okay.
        I think we have to learn how to be alone, so that when we are with someone, we have something to smile about. But if we sit and wait to be the person we want to be when we finally find the person we are meant to be with forever we are cheating ourselves. We deserve to be us before we are become someone's other half. Dating helps us figure out who that person is, but I don't believe that we can be very comfortable dating if we don't know  and LOVE ourselves well enough. I love being me!