
life is meant for the living

Here are some fun memories from last summer. I think I am getting Spring Fever! I can't wait for it to be warm again and to be done with school for a few months! If you click on the link below you'll see pictures of the people and places I love. Enjoy!

dress up

      There's a stage in a little girl's life when she loves to play dress up. Not only is she dressed up at all times, but she also does so without batting an eye. She speaks her mind and doesn't worry that it isn't appropriate, or that someone will judge her. For a moment you get a glance of who she really is; how she sees herself in her own mind. She'll come out wearing a tu-tu, a sheriff's badge, butterfly wings, and holding a bow and arrow and she'll say that she's a superhero-ninja-fairy-princess. She loves all things girly when it comes to princesses and fairies. She listens as you read tales of  her heroes before she goes to sleep at night. She wants to be both; princess and hero. In her eyes the possibilities are endless. The world is her oyster, and the sky's her limit. She'll go anywhere, do anything, and be anyone. Imagination; that is the key to her world of fantasy and adventure.
 All too soon she'll grow out of this phase. First, she's girl in elementary worried about boys with cooties and how to write in cursive. Then she's teenager who worries what the other girls think of her clothes and now she thinks boys are cute. Eventually she'll find the man she wants to marry (one you approve of , of course) and you'll give her away to another man to weather the tests of marriage together. But she'll never forgot how she used to dress up and save people from the bad guys. You hope that she learns that life isn't about being someone else, it's about remembering who she is. She's your precious daughter. You'll love her forever.

 You may be asking why I am writing this. I don't have kids. I'm not a mom. I'll tell you why. The other day I heard a father telling this story about his little girl. Most of the last two paragraphs are his words; the other parts are me. I really liked his analogy, so I wrote it down. I hope you enjoyed it!


all in a semester

my name is Melinda Moon. you may know me as Mindy. i was born in Salt Lake City, Utah.  i have five brothers and two sisters. i am 20 years old. i am an Art History Major at Brigham Young University.  i plan to graduate in April 2013. i am single, and i love to take pictures, laugh, and travel.

Here's what I learned this semester: papers aren't that bad, procrastination stinks, roommates will always be messy, the Ensign is the best magazine in the world, i'm not a sophomore anymore (bummer), no matter how hard you try time keeps rushing by, cinder block are lethal, i love my family, making art to please someone else isn't fun, i now understand by people skip class, it's better to be busy than bored, i still love getting letters, i barely get on facebook anymore, worrying isn't worth it, living four blocks from campus is too far, unlimited texting is  amazing, being a friend can be the hardest thing and the best thing, working a ton gets old but the paychecks don't, and i went home almost every weekend this semester.