
A Child's Gift

Dear Adi, 

You gave me a gift tonight. A little plastic dolphin whom we named Pebbles. But tonight you and your brothers gave me so much more. You gave me perspective. Sure I may be searching for the man I will someday marry, my other half; your future Uncle. But tonight I realized this is all for the experience. Life is one huge experience, and someday I'll get to help my kids live out their dream experiences. They are it. They are the reason I am looking for a man who will be a good father to them. Yes, his first duty will be as my husband, but our shared duty will be to our children. They are the reason we'll fall in love and bring them into this world. They are why we're trying to find the best way to go about our own experiences. So we can someday teach them. Thank you Adi for reminding me who my real goals are. I can't wait for the day when my children meet you. I'm proud you will be their older cousin.

Love, Aunt Melinda 

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