

it's Mothers day.
a day set aside to honor our Mothers for being our Mothers.
to thank them for giving us birth, for changing our diapers, and giving us baths. for teaching us to walk, and suffering through our terrible twos. for putting band-aids on our scrapes, and kissing our owie's better. for reading to us when we were little, and then again when we are older. for letting us sleep in her and Dad's bed when we got scared at night. for staying up with us when we got sick. for throwing birthday parties, even if she didn't want to. for sending us to school, and teaching us that an education was important. for getting mad when we did something wrong, and loving us anyway. for believing in us when no one else did. for letting us make our own decisions, yet still giving her advice, however subtle it may have been. for staying up late to make sure we got home safe at night. for going shopping with us, and for dealing with our teenage dramas. for grounding us to teach a lesson. for teaching us respect, responsibility, and how to work hard. for teaching us to be better people, to react accordingly, and to make the right choices. for teaching us how to be adults, and then sending us off to college to live our own lives. for believing in us when no one else did. for rejoicing when we do well on a test, or finish a grueling paper. for smiling and hugging us when we come home to visit. for dropping anything to help us. and for loving us. so, thank you my mom and my "moms"; those of you who know me well, know i have many.
thank you Marcia Moon for raising me. i couldn't have made it this far without you. you are my favorite mom. i love you! thank you Becky Lloyd for half raising me, and for making cheese tortillas for me everyday after preschool. thank you Lou and Sue Smith for being my mothers at Quickwater Ranch when i was sick and dehydrated. thank you Laurel Barry for being a great Nursery leader. thank you Marla Ence and Alisa Motzkus for being amazing Young Women leaders. thank you Michelle Hinton for being my look-a-like and for giving me the assurance that i will always be beautiful. thank you to my sister-in-laws for raising my wonderful nieces and nephews! and thank you to all the women in my life for the influence you have had on me. i strive to follow your example, and to one day be as great a Mother as you are.



ME Moon said...

and when you get there, you are going to be an AMAZING mom! :)

Hinton said...

Oh Melinda! This is such a great post! You ars such an amazing girl! I miss you and the whole Moon Family! You are beautiful!