
Worst Dream(mare) EVER!

I am going on a Study Abroad in May and June, which I'm super excited about. Lately the nerves of the initial travel to Europe have started to get to me. This happens every time I travel. I know that I will love it and that I will be good as soon as I am on the plane. But, I'm a worrier. Sue me.

So, last night I had what I am going to call a 'dream(mare)'. I was on "BYU Campus", since you know that places in dreams are never just like the places in real life. For all of you who have been, or go to BYU, you will understand which building I'm talking about. It starts with me in what my dream mind says is "The Kennedy Center" or "Clark Building" and I am searching in the file cabinets. It turns out that I am stealing test answers for one of the tests in one of my classes, but I get caught. The girl who catches me says that I will not be able to finish the courses I am taking this semester and that I'll have to stay in that building (which is now like the "Detention Building" on campus now). Keep in mind that there are only two weeks left in this semester. I immediately start thinking about how I am going to talk my professors into being okay with this, and into letting me not have to take their classes over again. Then I realize that if I can't get out of that building, I won't be able to Study Abroad in May. So, I turn to the girl and ask if I will still be able to go on the trip....and she says no. I immediately yell out "WHAT?" and break into tears. I have been planning on going back to Europe ever since I left the first time. This has been my dream since before I can remember, and it had just been taken away from me! I was devastated!!! After getting over my initial shock, I started thinking over the logistics of how much money I would be able to get back, and how I could then use that for my tuition in Fall semester, etc. It was SO REAL! The only way I can think of explaining how terrible the feeling was, is to say that it felt like my world was ending - as cheesy as that phrase is. But that's what it felt like!

So, you know how things in dreams seem real while you are in the dream? Well this one continued to seem real even when I woke up. When I turned over and tried to catch a few more minutes of sleep before my alarm went off....the dream(mare) started again! NO! The second time I woke up, I decided I better just get up. I didn't want to fall back to sleep to the same "REAL" dream state where I wasn't going to Europe. So, Mr. professor, you can thank my bad dream for getting me to class on time today. I had to keep reassuring myself throughout the day that I was indeed going to Europe in May, and that it was only in my dream that I wasn't going. Multiple times I had to tell myself. Sheesh! Dreams are curious things!

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