Lately my mind has turned to the friends I have lost in the past couple of years. This feeling is hard to describe so humor me for just a moment. I am mad at them for not trying to work things out with me so that we can be friends. I think it's dumb that they avoid me blatantly. I understand if they don't want to hang out with me and things like that, but the fact that when we walk by each other or I call or text them, and they ignore it, that's dumb. I have other mutual friends with these people and they are able to text or call them and get an answer! Is there something wrong with me? Did I do something wrong?
With one of these people who will remain nameless I didn't do anything wrong. So, why is this happening? How could we be best friends for so many years and then they go and drop of the face of the earth? There are times when we are going to come in contact (I hope) that may be the first time we've seen each other in four. With the other friend I am referring to has a problem with me because of something I did. In this case I would understand the initial discomfort if we were to go to lunch together or something, but we never see each other, besides the occasional pass on campus. Is it too much to for them to say hi, to acknowledge that I am there. I would say hi to them, if I didn't know they were trying to avoid me. I get that.
With one of these people who will remain nameless I didn't do anything wrong. So, why is this happening? How could we be best friends for so many years and then they go and drop of the face of the earth? There are times when we are going to come in contact (I hope) that may be the first time we've seen each other in four. With the other friend I am referring to has a problem with me because of something I did. In this case I would understand the initial discomfort if we were to go to lunch together or something, but we never see each other, besides the occasional pass on campus. Is it too much to for them to say hi, to acknowledge that I am there. I would say hi to them, if I didn't know they were trying to avoid me. I get that.
Everyone in the world has at least one person they avoid for one reason or another. It's sad, but true! I respect that to a point, but if I make an effort to be nice, why can't they be nice as well? I'm trying to be the bigger person here, but they are making it very difficult! I don't know if this is making any sense, and yes I am aware that my view of this problem is biased and only my perspective, without the other sides of the stories.
But isn't a blog a place we can write these things. These are my thoughts right now, ones that I can't get out of my mind until I write them down. Since I am not at home today, my physical journal is not here, so I am writing it on my electronic version; my visual journal. I hate being shut off and I think that most of you would agree with me. If you don't understand what happened, and left hanging in terms of what changed that the other person deems unforgivable, you are always left wanting. Waiting for the answers. For an understanding of the problem you didn't know was there. Seeing one side of the problem solves nothing. You need both sides to make a whole; whether it's broken or okay all the pieces will fit together.
But isn't a blog a place we can write these things. These are my thoughts right now, ones that I can't get out of my mind until I write them down. Since I am not at home today, my physical journal is not here, so I am writing it on my electronic version; my visual journal. I hate being shut off and I think that most of you would agree with me. If you don't understand what happened, and left hanging in terms of what changed that the other person deems unforgivable, you are always left wanting. Waiting for the answers. For an understanding of the problem you didn't know was there. Seeing one side of the problem solves nothing. You need both sides to make a whole; whether it's broken or okay all the pieces will fit together.