my name is Melinda Moon. you may know me as Mindy. i was born in Salt Lake City, Utah. i have five brothers and two sisters. i am 20 years old. i am an Art History Major at Brigham Young University. i plan to graduate in April 2013. i am single, and i love to take pictures, laugh, and travel.
Here's what I learned this semester: papers aren't that bad, procrastination stinks, roommates will always be messy, the Ensign is the best magazine in the world, i'm not a sophomore anymore (bummer), no matter how hard you try time keeps rushing by, cinder block are lethal, i love my family, making art to please someone else isn't fun, i now understand by people skip class, it's better to be busy than bored, i still love getting letters, i barely get on facebook anymore, worrying isn't worth it, living four blocks from campus is too far, unlimited texting is amazing, being a friend can be the hardest thing and the best thing, working a ton gets old but the paychecks don't, and i went home almost every weekend this semester.